Zhang Ling (张翎)is the award-winning author of ten novels and numerous collections of novellas and short stories. Born in China, she moved to Canada in 1986. In the mid-1990s, she began to write and publish fiction in Chinese while working as a clinical audiologist. Since then she has won the Chinese Media Literature Award for Author of the Year, the Grand Prize of Overseas Chinese Literary Award, and Taiwan’s Open Book Award. Among Ling’s work are A Single Swallow, Gold Mountain Blues and Aftershock, adapted into China’s first IMAX movie with unprecedented box-office success. Where Waters Meet, her tenth novel and the first written in English, is launched in May 2023.


张翎,浙江温州人,海外华文作家、编剧。代表作有《劳燕》《余震》《金山》等。小说曾获华语传媒年度小说家奖,华侨华人文学奖评委会大奖(两度),中国时报开卷好书奖,香港红楼梦世界华文长篇小说专家推荐奖等两岸三地文学奖项。根据其小说《余震》改编的灾难片《唐山大地震》,获得包括亚太电影展最佳影片和中国电影百花奖最佳影片在内的多个奖项。小说被译成多国语言。她的第一部英文小说Where Waters Meet(中文版名《归海》)于2023年5月在美国推出。


“Few writers could bring a story about China and other nations together as seamlessly as Zhang Ling. I would suggest it is her merit as an author, and it is the value of her novels.”

—Mo Yan, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature
